WHAT IS RAM (Random-Access Memory)
Random-access memory (RAM) is a type of computer data storage. A RAM device makes it possible to access data in random order, which makes it very fast to find a specific piece of information. Certain other types of storage are not random-access. For example, a hard disk drive and a CD will read and write data in a predetermined order. The mechanical design of these devices prescribes that data access is consecutive. This means that the time it takes to find a specific piece of information can vary greatly depending on where it is located on the disk.

RAM devices are used in computer systems as the main memory. RAM is considered volatile memory, which means that the stored information is lost when there is no power. So, RAM is used by the central processing unit (CPU) when a computer is running to store information that needs to be used very quickly, but it does not store any information permanently.

To increase your system speed, you must consider the CPU, RAM, Operating System etc. If RAM is full the software should be miss behave. This time I found that the system doesn't use full RAM. I  think how to use full RAM of system that we installed in our computer. Finally I found this trick how to use full RAM of computer, to use full RAM just follow these steps.... 

1- Go to Start - Run or just click short cut key Win+R.
2- Type "msconfig" without quote.
3- Now new window 'System Configuration' will open.
4- Click Advanced options...
5- In BOOT Advanced Options, tick check box Maximum Memory : 
6- Finally apply it and restart your system.

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